Apr 11, 2014 | 0 commenti

Kamijo new single – Moulin Rouge

Apr 11, 2014 | Kamijo, Musica | 0 commenti


 Yesterday I wrote about Kamijo because his label is releasing new MU’s mini-album. Today’s post is again about Kamijo. Why? On June 18 he is releasing his new single, Moulin Rouge. This is the second one. The title remembers a famous musical movie so I’m curious to listen if this would be inspired. Anyway, this single’s tracks will be contained also in his full-length album which will be released in autumn. There are three different editions of this.

The Regular Edition contains a bonus track 追憶のモナムール which is available only in this edition.

Type A contains a DVD with the music video of the two songs of this album Moulin Rouge and Tresor.

Type B  contains a DVD with music video making-of, recording documentary and a special message from KAMIJO.


  • KeiLeela

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