Aug 2, 2021 | 0 comments

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern released to Italy

Aug 2, 2021 | Book, Erin Morgernstern | 0 comments

On July the 15th the new fantasy novel by Erin Morgenstern, Night Circus, published in Italy by Fazi Editore for the book series Lainya, will hit the bookstores.
With his evocative and rich prose we know from the labyrinth created in “The starless see”, Erin Morgenstern together with many unforgettable characters, will drag you into a wonderful adventure with a hint of extravagance and ambition, a world where love is just one among all the life tricks we cannot avoid. But who will win the competition to the last spell?

“The circus arrives without warning,
no announcements precede it.
It is simply there,
when yesterday it was not.”

Il Circo della Notte Erin Morgenstern

Il Circo della Notte di Erin Morgenstern
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The circus opens at nightfall and closes at dawn. Firstly introduced during the 19th-century Victorian London it travels all around the world followed by a group of enthusiast dreamers forever charmed to its wonderful magic. Every night under the white and black striped tents a series of magic tricks are displayed, so incredible and sophisticated shows look magical.

But behind the scenes, a spell competition is underway and just a

The Night Circus Paperback / softback by Erin Morgenstern

The Night Circus Paperback / softback
by Erin Morgenstern
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Amazon Book DepositaryAwesome BookHive Books

few know about it: between Celia and Marco, two young magicians who have been trained since childhood by their instructors, two mysterious masters of the occult, and reciprocal rivals since the dawn of time.

While every night Celia the illusionist fascinates her audience, the discreet Marco, hired as a personal assistant to the circus owner, counterattacks displaying more powerful and elaborate shows.

However, Nobody has taken into account that Celia and Marco would inevitably fall in love, a deep and extraordinary feeling burning dangerously at each stolen glance and overwhelming the entire room at every touch. The duel between Celia and Marco cannot last forever and just one of them will get the upper hand.

Years go by and the circus becomes more and more famous but the destiny of all the people who contributed to this wonderful place is precarious, like acrobats vaulting in the air every night under the circus tent.


  • Luana Vitaliano Autrice

    Scrivo racconti e romanzi, principalmente fantasy. Inseguo questa passione dalla prima adolescenza. Oltre ai libri vado matta per il cinema. Tra le mie passioni ci sono gli animali e la natura.

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