Magical herbs and plants: autumn herbal teas
In November, autumn envelops everything in its icy coils. The air gets colder, the first mists creep in to obscure the city and the need for a nice hot herbal tea... Read more.

Magical herbs and plants: the wonder of autumn
The first leaves fall. The light rain fills the air with the fresh smell of damp grass. Gray clouds keep the sun’s rays away. The cold advances slowly, one... Read more.

Energy herbs and plants: from kombu seaweed to guaranÃ
With the return of September, summer fades away. The usual daily routine returns and melancholy sets in for those holidays that lasted too short. Returning to the... Read more.

Magical herbs and plants: sit under a tree in summer
Summer is a very special time of year. Our energy drops and our level of attention vanishes while our thoughts chase a lonely cloud in the very blue sky. It’s... Read more.

The main Ayurvedic herbs: from Andrographis to Trikatu
Nature offers many ways to heal ourselves, and just as many ways to help you stay healthy. One of these ways is through the main Ayurvedic herbs. Thanks to their... Read more.

The best herbs for smudge: from laurel to yerba santa
As I underlined in the previous article (The best herbs for smudge: from mugwort to white sage), smudge is one of the most important ways to purify an environment... Read more.

Poisonous herbs and plants: from snowdrop to lily of the valley
In the world, there is a truly significant quantity of plants that are poisonous and toxic to humans. Nature constantly tests us and always protects itself. We must... Read more.

The best herbs for smudge: from mugwort to white sage
Smudge is one of the most important ways to purify an environment, make a home safe, and ward off negative energies. In this new article, we will try to discover... Read more.

Poisonous herbs and plants: from aconite to yew
Magical plants, relaxing plants, calming plants, plants for winter. We talked about all these types of herbs in previous articles, and what about poisonous plants?... Read more.

Calming herbs and plants: from ashwagandha to rhodiola
Often to find the right inner balance we need the help of calming plants and herbs. The greatest support comes from Nature so we do not get lost in the frenetic... Read more.