Warrior Nun: review of the first season
Warrior Nun, a TV series that goes beyond the laws of science and surpasses the most unconditional faith in the Church, appears on Netflix. Plot Ava Silva is quadriplegic.... Read more.

Old But Gold: the tv series of our heart
Why often remember we the past with melancholy? Why would we want those years to come back? What dark mystery draws us back rather than forward? There is no correct... Read more.

You: review of the first and the second season
You, a word that means everything. Three letters that contain within them a world of meanings, when it comes to love … and vice versa when it comes to obsession.... Read more.

What The Dead Men Say: the last Trivium’s success
With a lot of energy and hard rock, Trivium return with their latest album What The Dead Men Say, released on April 24 by Roadrunner Records. Ten tracks that pulsate... Read more.

NOS4A2: review of the first season
A few months ago, I found this show on Amazon Prime. NOS4A2 is a horror series that will enchant you with its originality, with the great potential to become something... Read more.

Clouded Minds & Silver Lines: Sertraline’s metal
Today we present a young English band, together with their EP (Extended Play) which will be officially released on May 15th. I’m talking about Sertraline,... Read more.

Freud: review of the first season
Sigmund Freud is a character who never particularly fascinated me; but, for his historic and scientific importance, he caught soon my attention with a new Netflix... Read more.

Vampires: review of the first season
Still them, the vampires, with a new Netflix series that tries to identify them. Another time, science contrasts the popular belief which segregates these creatures... Read more.

Castlevania: review of first, second and third season
As always, attracted by all the vampires’ world, particularly Dracula’s world, I couldn’t miss Castlevania, animated series inspired by a video... Read more.

Locke&Key: review of the first season
The trailer of this new Netflix series is so powerful to convince me to watch it. This story has a sort of “Burtonian” style, but go to discover what... Read more.