Special books on visual kei
What happens when fashion, music and writing come together? Between smashing your favourite shoes, consuming music albums and devouring books, numerous unique strands... Read more.

Sailors’ Ocean Bomb cans
The “Ocean Bomb” cans dedicated to the Sailors, the warriors who wear sailor suits that have been shining ever since the 90s, have also arrived in Italy!... Read more.

“The world of yesterday”, an European memoir
Memories of a European between Viennese Mitteleuropa and the Second World War On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the death of Stefan Zweig, Austrian... Read more.

The drekavac: reality or myth?
. Crediti: www.markovicdusan.com The drekavac: limbo between reality and myth Translated from the Serbian “the screamer“, the drekavac is a mythological... Read more.

Sailor Moon exhibition MUFANT
Sailor Moon exhibition at MUFANT museum for its 25th anniversary in Italy For more than 25 years the anime series “Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon” has been... Read more.