Crimson Kiss – Vampires Story

Beyond Alien: H.R. Giger exhibition in Turin from Oct. 5, 2024, to Feb. 16, 2025

Beyond Alien: H.R. Giger, is the the first and only major exhibition planned in Italy dedicated to Hans Ruedi Giger, who was one of the most visionary artists of the Second 20th century. Introduced by Navigare s.r.l, in co-production with Glocal Project and ONO arte,...

Interview with Peter Vronsky,expert on international espionage and forensic history

Peter Vronsky was born in 1956 in Toronto, Canada. As independent historian and documentary filmmaker, he is a producer of investigative-themed television programs in Canada, the United States and Europe. During his career he has gone undercover in sects such as the...

Small talk

Hey, ghouls! Are you comfortable with silence or do you feel the need for small talk?  

Family reunion

Hey, ghouls! Family reunions are always complicated, and Lucy's family is no different


Hey, ghouls! One person's trash is another person's treasure


Hey ghouls! Lucy continues her fight against The Vampire Lover, but some vampires have a different opinion

The vampire lovers pt.2

Hey, ghouls! Sam and Becca discuss everyone's favourite vampire novel
Dissertations on “The Vampire Chronicles”

Dissertations on “The Vampire Chronicles”

It's not just rumours, it's a certainty! The first season of the tv series based upon "The Vampire Chronicles" by Anne Rice, made up of 8 episodes, is gonna come out in 2022! AMC Channel (Walking Dead, Breaking Bad) got the rights on the most prolific literary saga ever and the trilogy of Mayfair Witches, a universe that sold more than 150 millions of copies worldwide. Screenwriters who are working on this huge work plan said that they have big ambitions on the iconic masterpiece that caught...

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Dracula by Bram Stoker

Dracula by Bram Stoker

Of all the vampire stories in existence, the most famous is definitely that of Dracula. Even though the character has been included in many different retellings, it is at the hands of Bram Stoker that its most famous version comes to life. So how could we not take a look at this novel that has cemented itself as a must-read of vampire literature? Dracula - Plot Jonathan Harker is invited to Bran Castle to finalise the sale of an estate in the heart of London. The Count immediately comes across...

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Russian Folktales by W. R. S. Ralston – Draculea

Russian Folktales by W. R. S. Ralston – Draculea

In the collection of Russian Folktales compiled by William Ralston Shedden-Ralston, there is a section entirely dedicated to ghost and spectre stories. In this section, one of the stories is none other than The Soldier and The Vampire which we talked about yesterday in a little deviation from our scheduled Draculea content. There is actually a reason for that: this document is intrinsically linked to that specific story as it is a part of the commentary that follows it. Of course, as has...

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The Soldier and the Vampire by W.R.S. Ralston – Draculea

The Soldier and the Vampire by W.R.S. Ralston – Draculea

"The Soldier and the Vampire" is a Russian fairy tale found within the collection "Draculea" and included by William Ralston Shedden-Ralston in the volume "Russian Fairy Tales.".  The story specifically belongs to the section dedicated to ghost stories. As always, before proceeding, we remind you that this column is in collaboration with Bloody Reader and we remind you to also read their article. The Soldier and the Vampire - Plot A soldier, returning to his village, glimpses a figure in a...

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Strange Event in the Life of Schalken the Painter by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu – Draculea

Strange Event in the Life of Schalken the Painter by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu – Draculea

Schalken the Painter is a short story by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu included in the collection titled The Watcher, and other weird stories published in 1894. The story, however, is far older than that and was published for the first time in 1839 in the Dublin University Magazine. Certainly better-known for authoring Carmilla, Le Fanu, as we'll be seeing in the future, has published many other horror stories and contributed to building the character of the vampire that has been growing and...

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The Singular Death of Morton by Algernon Henry Blackwood – Draculea

The Singular Death of Morton by Algernon Henry Blackwood – Draculea

We're taking another step in our vampirical journey, this time the protagonist is The Singular Death of Morton by Algernon Henry Blackwood. For this segment, ABEditore with their Draculea brings us back to the dawn of the XX century with an author who is famous for his strokes full of mystery. Blackwood, even though known for his place in the horror genre, tends to want to amaze and astonish the reader more than terrify them. We could even call him one of the masters of suspense and we will...

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Ken’s Mystery by Julian Hawthorne – Draculea

Ken’s Mystery by Julian Hawthorne – Draculea

Ken's Mystery by Julian Hawthorne is the first story in the Draculea collection by ABEditore. Published in 1883 in Harper's New Monthly Magazine, it's a short story - but not that short really - told for the most part in the first person by its own protagonist, and in part by one of his friends - who personifies the author - during a visit to the former. As usual, we always recommend that all those who speak Italian also take a look and read the corresponding article on the Bloody Reader blog...

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Draculea  – A discovery of the bloodline of Darkness

Draculea – A discovery of the bloodline of Darkness

Draculea - Racconti e Documenti di Veri o Presunti atti di Vampirismo is a tome published by ABEditore that collects stories and documents on, you guessed it, the theme of Vampirism. On a website like ours that goes as far as having vampires in its name and that can boast a column like Quarantena col Vampiro of which we are incredibly proud, we couldn't help but pick up our collaboration with the blog Bloody Reader of Bloody Books again and discuss the theme at the same time as them (You can...

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Dracula’s Guest by Bram Stoker – Lockdown with a Vampire

Dracula’s Guest by Bram Stoker – Lockdown with a Vampire

Dracula's Guest is today's story for our Lockdown with a Vampire challenge, a collaboration with Bloody Reader. Written by Bram Stoker, it was initially planned as a part of Dracula but the author decided to take it out of the novel. Destined to remain unpublished, it was later published by his wife in 1914, after the author's death. Plot Dracula's Guest is a chapter that was cut out of the legendary novel by Bram Stoker, Dracula. It was written at the same time as the wider work but was left...

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Carmilla by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu – Lockdown with a Vampire

Carmilla by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu – Lockdown with a Vampire

Written in 1872 by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Carmilla is another of the big classics of vampire literature and the second tale we have chosen for our Lockdown with a Vampire challenge. As for the previous story, for this one too you'll also find an article in Italian on the Bloody Reader blog. Carmilla is part of a collection of ghost stories by Le Fanu, but it is definitely the most famous and the one that left the biggest mark of all the stories in the collection. Plot Her mother entrusts the...

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The Vampyre by John William Polidori – Lockdown with a Vampire

The Vampyre by John William Polidori – Lockdown with a Vampire

The Vampyre by John William Polidori is the first story in our Lockdown with a Vampire challenge. We want to remind our readers that they can find a review of this story in Italian on the Bloody Reader blog too. The Vampyre by Polidori dates back to 1819 and it wouldn't be inaccurate to say that it was the story that originated the character of the Vampire as we know it today. Lord Ruthven, the vampire in question, is a unique character. Even though he is never described as ugly, his...

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Lockdown with a Vampire – Reading Challenge

Lockdown with a Vampire – Reading Challenge

Lockdown with a Vampire is a reading challenge we have embarked on in collaboration with the Bloody Reader of Bloody Books blog. Throughout this challenge, we'll take a look at a list of short stories on the theme of vampires by considering and presenting one each day. It's a great chance for all who love the genre to read (or re-read) some of the biggest classics of vampire literature, some more well-known than others. Everyone is welcome to participate, this is an open challenge. You can...

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