
Beyond Alien: H.R. Giger exhibition in Turin from Oct. 5, 2024, to Feb. 16, 2025

Beyond Alien: H.R. Giger, is the the first and only major exhibition planned in Italy dedicated to Hans Ruedi Giger, who was one of the most visionary artists of the Second 20th century. Introduced by Navigare s.r.l, in co-production with Glocal Project and ONO arte,...

Interview with Peter Vronsky,expert on international espionage and forensic history

Peter Vronsky was born in 1956 in Toronto, Canada. As independent historian and documentary filmmaker, he is a producer of investigative-themed television programs in Canada, the United States and Europe. During his career he has gone undercover in sects such as the...

Small talk

Hey, ghouls! Are you comfortable with silence or do you feel the need for small talk?  

Family reunion

Hey, ghouls! Family reunions are always complicated, and Lucy's family is no different


Hey, ghouls! One person's trash is another person's treasure


Hey ghouls! Lucy continues her fight against The Vampire Lover, but some vampires have a different opinion

The vampire lovers pt.2

Hey, ghouls! Sam and Becca discuss everyone's favourite vampire novel
You: review of the first and the second season

You: review of the first and the second season

You, a word that means everything. Three letters that contain within them a world of meanings, when it comes to love ... and vice versa when it comes to obsession. You - Plot of the first season Joe is charming and brilliant, a different, unique guy, maybe the right one, if only he wasn't a narcissist and a murderer. But Guinevere Beck does not know this and lets herself be ensnared by the security of his presence, he who pushes her to devote herself to following the wave of inspiration to...

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Freud: review of the first season

Freud: review of the first season

Sigmund Freud is a character who never particularly fascinated me; but, for his historic and scientific importance, he caught soon my attention with a new Netflix series. Plot Struggling with career and cocaine, Freud is involved in a gruesome crime and then in an exclusive spirit session led by a charming medium. But nothing is as it seems in von Szápáry's mansion, and soon young Sigmund will face the most striking case of hypnosis of his life. Preview Sigmund Freud was a neurologist,...

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Vampires: review of the first season

Vampires: review of the first season

Still them, the vampires, with a new Netflix series that tries to identify them. Another time, science contrasts the popular belief which segregates these creatures in folklore. Plot Born in a vampires' family, the teenager Doina rebels to her mother's rules, refusing the pills that she has to swallow every day. It's for her sake, she knows, but what would happen if she stopped taking them? Maybe Doina is ready to discover it, and reality is more complicated than it seems. Preview In this...

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