Beyond Alien: H.R. Giger exhibition in Turin from Oct. 5, 2024, to Feb. 16, 2025

Beyond Alien: H.R. Giger, is the the first and only major exhibition planned in Italy dedicated to Hans Ruedi Giger, who was one of the most visionary artists of the Second 20th century. Introduced by Navigare s.r.l, in co-production with Glocal Project and ONO arte,...

Interview with Peter Vronsky,expert on international espionage and forensic history

Peter Vronsky was born in 1956 in Toronto, Canada. As independent historian and documentary filmmaker, he is a producer of investigative-themed television programs in Canada, the United States and Europe. During his career he has gone undercover in sects such as the...

Small talk

Hey, ghouls! Are you comfortable with silence or do you feel the need for small talk?  

Family reunion

Hey, ghouls! Family reunions are always complicated, and Lucy's family is no different


Hey, ghouls! One person's trash is another person's treasure


Hey ghouls! Lucy continues her fight against The Vampire Lover, but some vampires have a different opinion

The vampire lovers pt.2

Hey, ghouls! Sam and Becca discuss everyone's favourite vampire novel
Oceana on The Pattern: “This album contains our very blood” – Exclusive Interview

Oceana on The Pattern: “This album contains our very blood” – Exclusive Interview

Oceana is an interesting presence on both the Rome and national music scene who, with their first full-length record The Pattern have had an immediate charm on me and pushed me to bring them to our platform with a few questions so we can better get to know them. To be quite fair, what I got to ask them for this interview is only barely even half of what I would have liked to ask them, but nothing is stopping us from inviting them back in the future, especially considering that they're already...

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The Pattern – Oceana [Review]

The Pattern – Oceana [Review]

The Pattern – Double Vinyl Acquista su Big cartel Oceana is a Roman band that debuted in 1995 with a demo printed in only 500 copies. In 1996 an EP was released containing two new tracks, Violet and Tragicomic Reality, and the four of the reissue of the debut demo. A second EP was to be produced, but it all fell apart when Massimiliano (guitar player and choirs singer) joins Novembre, a capitol band. They return in 2020 with a launch video for the song You don't know, and in 2021 with their...

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